Free Audiobooks - Over 1 Million Available
Do we have a treat for all you bookworms out there! We've bagged you access to over 1 million audiobooks and e-books from our friends over at BookBeat.…
Do we have a treat for all you bookworms out there! We've bagged you access to over 1 million audiobooks and e-books from our friends over at BookBeat.…
You and Me and the Land of Lost Things is the brand new adventure series from Andy Griffiths, the author behind the multi-million bestselling Treehouse series…
You won't believe it, but ComeRound are hosting a brand new testing opportunity - an Asma Khan cookbook full of classic Indian recipes They're looking for 150…
You can now get a World Book Day book, totally for FREE, thanks to Books2Door - this one's perfect for any parents out there! Just select your book and use the…
How good does this look for any parents out there? Get your kids reading with this new freebie from Mr Kipling, Ambrosia and Angel Delight - they're giving…
Love duck but not sure where to start with cooking it at home? Seeing as we're all spending more at home these days, why not apply for a new recipe book from…
This is the first novel in Agatha Christie's Colonel Race series. The Man in the Brown Suit, is a real head-scratcher! A man falls off a train and onto the…
Poirot Investigates is written in a slightly different style from Agatha Christie's usual novels. This book is compiled of a number of short stories, it also…
This novel is the second book in Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot series. This time, Poirot must solve the case of the murdered man who wrote to him not long…
This novel by Agatha Christie is the first in a series about Tommy and Tuppence, two friends who run a business called Young Adventurers Ltd. They'll do any…
Agatha Christie is a household name, but how many of her novels have you read? Well, why not read some for free?! It's perfect for enriching your enjoyment of…
The Colour Purple, by Alice Walker is famous for having won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and for having been adapted into a film and musical. Although…
The Little Prince is a charming fable-fairytale that was first published in 1943. The story follows a young prince who visits various planets in space,…
This book won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1983, and has been avidly read and loved by many ever since! This book by William Golding in considered…
The film adaptation of the same name, The Help, won plenty of awards for the actors' outstanding performances. They really breathed life into the story, but…
We love free stuff for students! This one is great, because Heart of Darkness is often taught through school, college and all the way up to university too.…
If you haven't already, now's a great time to read Nelson Mandela's autobiography. You can read it for free by clicking the pink button! Long Walk to Freedom…
If you love Science Fiction, then you'll love Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and all the other books in the series! Right now you can read…
Whether you're reading Of Mice and Men in school, college or university, or you're just reading for fun - why not read it for free?! You have access to a free…
Charlotte's Web is a much-loved classic, adored by adults and children for it's touching storyline. Right now you can read it for free too! This book was…
You can now get your mitts on this absolute classic book series, completely for free! Whether you've already seen the film, or read the books before, you're…
The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini. It was published in 2003 and proved extremely popular, becoming the New York…
If you love dystopian stories, then you're bound to love Franz Kafka's classic, The Castle. What's more, you can read it for free just by clicking the pink…
Everyone knows the film of the same name, but have you read the original book The Godfather? If not, you can do so now for free! Sometimes it's nice to read…
Reading Mrs Dalloway for school, college or university? Save space with this free copy of Mrs Dalloway, available online. You can download it as a PDF, epub or…
Bleak House is such a classic novel by Charles Dickens, and now you can read it for free! Did you know it was first published as a 20 episode series? This was…
DH Lawrence is known for his classic romance novels, and Women in Love is one such novel. Published in 1920, it was a sequel to The Rainbow. Women in Love…
The Art of War, written by Sun Tzu in the 5th century, is so much more than a military strategy book. This book has been used by people to help with business…
The Diary of a Nobody by brothers George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith is a classic comic novel. It was originally serialised in Punch magazine and finally…
You'll find Ulysses on many a school, college or university reading list for English/literature students, and so this free book is sure to lend a helping hand!…
This book is considered to be a classic adventure novel. It's also often cited as Alexander Dumas' best work, although not as famous as The Three Musketeers.…
Another classic by George Eliot, this book was voted by Penguin followers on social media as a book that everyone should read. Published in 1860, The Mill on…
Despite never becoming as famous as 1984 or Animal Farm, A Clergyman's Daughter by George Orwell is still a popular read! It is celebrated for its experimental…
Burmese Days was George Orwell's first ever novel, published in 1934. The novel takes place during the waning years of the British Empire, in Burma. Orwell…
Virginia Woolf is famous for a number of reasons, some of which are her progressive views on gender and feminism. Orlando was published in 1928, but it's still…
Arguably Tolstoy's most famous book, if you haven't read Anna Karenina yet - now is the perfect time! This hefty novel spills into three genres of Romance,…
This much-loved children's book by Frances Hodgson Burnett was first published in 1911. It's now seen as a classic children's literature. This story has been…
You may have seen the musical or the film adaptations, but have you read the original book written by Victor Hugo and published in 1862? The book is considered…
Middlemarch is a classic novel, and you're likely here because you've been asked to read it for school, college or university! Middlemarch, A Study of…
Written in 1920 by Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence is a classic romance novel that you won't want to miss out on reading. The novel tells the tale of…
Arguably Mark Twain's most famous novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn spans so many genres. It's satirical, humorous, filled with adventure and can also…
Great Expectations is Dickens' thirteenth novel, and it tells the story of Pip, an orphan receiving an education. Pip is working as a blacksmith's apprentice…
The Lord of the Rings is an absolute classic. Perhaps you've seen the films but have never got around to reading the books - well now is your chance to do so…
The Lord of the Rings is an absolute classic. Perhaps you've seen the films but have never got around to reading the books - well now is your chance to do so…
The Lord of the Rings is an absolute classic. Perhaps you've seen the films but have never got around to reading the books - well now is your chance to do so…
Toni Morrison was a widely critically-acclaimed novelist, essayist and college professor. Her novels have won multiple awards, and she is celebrated for…
Set in Yukon in Canada in the 1890s, The Call of the Wild tells the story of the Klondike Gold Rush. It was a time in which sled dogs were in high demand, and…
The Ice Co have finally launched their fabulous Little Book of Drinks for Kids! This was the result of a competition, where they asked parents to submit their…
Written by John Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath was published in 1939 and has won multiple awards through the years. Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962…
If you haven't yet read this absolute classic novel, you're missing out! Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was published in 1818 and has been adapted in popular…
If you're here, you're either a student who has this on their reading list... or perhaps you're curious about reading this classic because you never got around…
Jeeves Marketing have created this fabulous booklet to help you launch and grow your very own business! This freebie is perfectly timed, as people are…
Persuasion is the last novel to have been fully completed by Jane Austen. This novel was published posthumously, just six months after Austen's death. The…
Published in 1866 by Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime & Punishment is considered to be one of the most significant achievements in literature. The story…
This is perhaps Dodie Smith's most famous book, and is better known through the Disney film adaptations. The original book 'The Hundred and One Dalmatians' was…
Join the Sauce Material VIP Club to get your mitts on a FREE welcome book! Currently you can get your hands on a free copy of The Facebook Personality Bible, a…
Arguably one of the most famous novels in the world of Western literature, Pride & Prejudice is a must-read. Now, you can read it for FREE! Reading books…
This is another great freebie for all you school, college and university students - save a bit on books and snap up this essential reading for free! To Kill a…
We've found yet another 'essential reading' free book for you to feast your eyes on! The Diary of Anne Frank is famous, but not everyone thinks to read it.…
We've found yet another classic novel for you to sink your teeth into! This is great for any GCSE, A-Level or Degree level students who may have this on their…
George Orwell's famous book, 1984, is known for being a Dystopian masterpiece. This novella was written in 1949, and follows the story of Winston Smith, who is…
This book by Anna Sewell is an absolute classic. Black Beauty is narrated by the horse himself, as he tells the tale of his journey from working on an English…
Bibles for Europe are sending out free study Bibles to anyone who'd like one. The free study Bible edition contains an outline of each section, more than…
Arguably one of Oscar Wilde's most famous works, the Picture of Dorian Gray is an absolute must-read! This tells the tale of a young man named Dorian Gray, who…
You may have seen the 2019 adaptation of Little Women - it had an all-star cast consisting of Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Meryl Streep, Laura Dern, Saoirse…
We've found yet another Bronte classic for you to read and enjoy for free! If you're a student currently studying at GCSE, A-Level or even degree level - why…
Although this book is famed for having been written for children, it's much-loved by adults alike and has much to offer all age groups. This fabulous book…
What could be more famous than The Wizard of Oz? And yet most people haven't read the original book! Why not immerse yourself in the story of Dorothy and her…
The Green Ember is the first book in a series by S.D. Smith, written for older children. There are four books in the series: The Green Ember Ember Falls Ember…
The Open Library have FREE copies of IT by Stephen King available to read. If you haven't read this number one bestselling book, now is the perfect opportunity…
Head to the PlayStore to download the Free Books app to read for free! You'll find everything from Novels, to Fiction Books to Audiobooks. Not only can you…
To help families with cooking on a budget and meal planning, Limahl Asmall - an award-winning cookbook writer - has generously made two of her recipe books…
The Jungle Book is yet another much-loved classic! If you've seen the Disney adaptation it's still worth giving the book a read for fun. This is classically a…
If you love a classic, then you've got to read A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens much-loved classic. It kicks off with the iconic opener, "It was the best…
According to Google Books, this work has been named by scholars as culturally important so it's well worth giving it a read! The book is simply a collection of…
This book is a real classic, and has been adapted into radio shows and films too - all the way from the 90s, up to today. The Time Machine may only be a…
We've found another free copy of a classic book that you simply have to find the time to read! Emma by Jane Austen follows the story of Emma Woodhouse and her…
Most of us have read this absolute classic at one point or another, but it's always worth another read! Plus, this is must for reading to your kids before…
If you're looking to take up an exercise to improve your mood, flexibility, strength or to just enjoy as a hobby - then consider yoga! Noah Miller has…
Feast your eyes on yet another literary classic for FREE! This time you can delve into The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells, published in 1898. Wells paved the…
Have you always wanted to read some of the classics you never read in school? Now is the perfect time to get some serious reading done! Why not do it for free?…
If you've got children at home that are getting a little weary from all the homeschooling and overload on TV time, why not download a FREE copy of Actually…
If you're rapidly running out of ways to entertain the little ones during this lockdown, why not Nab yourself a free Kindle or Audiobook for some fresh…
This book has been swiftly crafted by John Hudson, the UK Military's Chief Survival Instructor! It's available on Kindle for FREE right now, so be sure to get…
Audible have just launched a brand new service called Audible Stories! Through this service, children and teens will be able to listen to books completely for…
Ann Cleeves is the author of critically acclaimed 'Shetland' novels (they were made into a drama too!), and she's leaving free books outside her house for…
K. A. Linde is on the USA Today's bestselling author list. She has written over fifteen novels, and this FREE book is the first in her Ascension series. Linde…
'Key Death' is another novel from thriller author Jude Hardin and Nicholas Colt is back for another adventure... Colt is a private investigator who has had his…
Amazon have a simple and comprehensive guide for how to find, choose and download free eBooks from their site for your Kindle. Whilst many eBooks are made for…
John Harrison - a self-made millionaire who started out with just £500 - is offering you the chance to read his secrets for free! There are roughly 200 free…
Animal Aid are sending out FREE welcome packs when you sign up for their Vegan pledge. They campaign for animal rights, and their welcome pack comes with a…
Wowzers, another fab read from the lovely people over at Money Magpie! This time you can find out how to actually make money during the festive period. This…
Check out Money Magpie's super helpful guide on ways you can make tonnes of cash with Matched Betting! This ebook is a fab accompaniment to our FREE bets…
Diabetes UK are offering a FREE copy of their African and Caribbean cuisine cookbook. The Enjoy Food book range is designed to help families with diabetes…
Planning a visit to the Golden State? Make sure you get your FREE guide to California from Visit California. Discover the best places to go and have the trip…
Thanks to Movelat, you can claim a free handy guide to understanding and managing different types of pain from simple sprains to back ache and mild arthritis.…
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